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OpenSSL Quick Guide

Every year, when my websites' SSL certificates expire I have to relearn how to generate them all over again. It's not that I forget the concepts, but I can never remember the exact syntax of the commands. This guide expects that you have OpenSSL installed and in your System Path.  My CA directory has the following structure:

- certs/
- keys/
- requests/
- serial.txt

Generate a key:

openssl genrsa -out keys\wildcard.wylovan.com-20230314.key 2048

Generate request from key:

openssl req -new -key keys\wildcard.wylovan.com-20230314.key -out requests\wildcard.wylovan.com-20230314.csr

Sign certificate from request:

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in requests\wildcard.wylovan.com-20230314.csr -CA certs\ca-20230309.cer -CAkey keys\ca-20230309.key -CAserial serial.txt -out certs\wildcard.wylovan.com-20230314.cer -extfile domain\wildcard.wylovan.com.txt

Good resources:

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